Introducing the C-Therm Thermal Conductivity Kit
An economical “do-it-yourself” solution, the TCkit is targeted primarily towards academic researchers. Employing C-Therm's FLEX Transient Plane Source (TPS) method, the TCkit includes the tools & software needed to build and customize a thermal conductivity instrument at a fraction of the price.
For further information, please fill out a contact form or contact us via:
Toll-Free: 1-877-827-7623
International: +1 (506) 457-1515
What's in the box?
FLEX Transient Plane Source (TPS) Thermal Conductivity Sensor with 4-Prong SMU Connector
Stainless Steel 304 Reference Samples
TECAS™ Control Software on USB Key
Step-by-Step User Guide
Principles of Operation
Transient Plane Source (TPS) Technique
The C-Therm TCkit, configured with the FLEX Transient Plane Source (TPS) sensor, enables the characterization of thermal conductivity and diffusivity of materials. It employs a two-sided sensor. The user iteratively develops the timing and power parameters. Intended for rough and heterogeneous materials that are not well-suited to a single-sided test method, this configuration allows researchers the maximum versatility in test parameters and experimental design. Variations of this technique, with a bridge circuit, are offered in accordance to ISO 22007.

(1) Power is applied to the sensor's spiral heating element, providing a small amount of heat. This results in a rise in temperature at the interface between the sensor and the sample, which induces a voltage change across the sensor element.
(2) The results from the initial scouting run are used to estimate test time, power level, and ideal sensor size. The experiment is run with the new parameters. This may need to be repeated until the correct parameters are identified. Guidance is provided in the ISO 22007-2.2.
(3) The test result is a plot of temperature vs time.
(4) The results are analyzed with an iterative solving procedure to generate thermal property data such as thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity.

Sensor Specifications
With the FLEX Transient Plane Source sensor included in the TCkit the thermal conductivity of solids can be characterized from 0.03 to 60 W/mK. Temperature stability from 10 to 80 °C means you can test under a variety of environments.
Versatile Thermal Conductivity Testing

FLEX Sensor Testing Pyrex
Simple sample testing setup utilizing on of the provided stainless steel reference material as a weight to improve contact with the sensor.

Repeatable & Accurate
With demonstrated accuracy better than 5% and repeatability better than 2% in the range of 0.03 to 80 W/mK, the TCkit allows characterization of a wide range of solid samples.
Proprietary Software
C-Therm’s proprietary measurement and analysis software enables users to intuitively setup analysis, with post processing of data via an easy and visual platform. Running on Windows 10, direct export to CSV file allows for simple indexing of results.

Application Notes

A Review on Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites
Heat dissipations in electronic devices have become a challenge and area of research for thermal management. Epoxy-based thermal interface materials are used to improve the heat transfer in electronic devices.
Learn how researchers use the Transient Plane Source Technique to further their investigation.

Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Granular Media by the TPS Technique
To successfully realise industrial applications handling granular media, especially those involving heating and cooling processes, the temperature fields must be properly evaluated according to the accurate thermal properties of the media.
Check out this analysis of the effective thermal conductivity with the Transient Plane Source Technique.

Understanding the Thermal Conductivity of 3D Printed Polymer Composites
The work presented here addresses thermally conductive polymer matrix composites (specifically, graphite, carbon fiber, and silver in an acrylonitrile butadiene styrene polymer matrix) to identify the effect of composite geometry and print direction on thermal properties.
Learn more about the Transient Plane Source technique for polymer composites.

Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Pastes Using C-Therm's TCKit
An application for the TCKit will be highlighted here - thermal pastes and greases. Evaluating the concern of convection error when measuring the thermal conductivity of semi-solid materials using the Transient Plane Source (TPS) Method, a study of three (3) samples was performed.
Find out more about the procedure and findings of this study.

Contact Us
For further information, please fill out a contact form or contact us via:
Toll-Free: 1-877-827-7623
International: +1 (506) 457-1515
Fax: +1 (506) 454-7201